
Wednesday 28 June 2017

Timeus - Student Quality Blog Post Rubric

WALT: Write our Ratings of how Quality is your blog posts from Beginner or basic to Smart Learner.

Yesterday, We had Mrs Shearing in our class for cybersmart and she was here to talk about another lesson but she was talking about our Quality blog post. We had done 3 sessions for our learning topic 'Quality Blog post'. What we did is that we go to our Room 9 site . And then you click on 'Cybersmart' Icon shown on the site.
When you get to the Cybersmart page
If you get to the cybersmart page. You come across all different types of tasks that are for cybersmart, this is the site where Mrs Shearing asks us to go to this site to go to the right task so that we know what to do in this task. The next thing I am going to be showing you is a picture of what I did and where I would go to the task that I need to do.
This is it
This is the site of all of the cybersmart tasks. What I was working on was a google document of a cybersmart learning topic called 'Quality blog post'. On this doc, We had to Rate our blog posts to see if our blog posts are Quality blog post. The reason why so that no much of mistakes will occur on making a blog post. Here is a google document of what I did with Mrs Shearing.

Here is 3 google document pages of our Cybersmart task

If you can't see the writing, Click on this link
This is a google document of my cybersmart 'Quality blog post' with 3 pages in a doc. This was to check our blog posts to see if they are up to date or a Quality blog post so that people might be clear of what they mean when you write a description of your work.

That is all for today and I hope you enjoyed this blog post, Please leave comments on one of my blog posts.

Many Thanks!

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